Family Dinner tells the inspiring story of a group of friends in Portland, Oregon, who unite to address the city’s growing homelessness crisis. Motivated by the struggles they witness daily, they embark on a journey to create a beneficiary show, with all proceeds supporting Rosehaven, a day shelter that serves as a crucial lifeline for those in need. The documentary captures their efforts from the spark of an idea to the challenges of organizing the event, emphasizing how their passion catalyzes a larger community movement. As more people join in, the film highlights the essential role the community plays in turning this vision into reality, showing that collective action can lead to meaningful change. “Family Dinner” is more than a story of compassion and resilience—it’s a celebration of the power of community. The film demonstrates how, when people come together with a shared purpose, they can inspire a city to rebuild, renew, and restore hope for its most vulnerable members.