One evening in Los Angeles, a mysterious psychologist (THE WOMAN) and a guarded cop (THE MAN) lock eyes in a Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous meeting.

Afterward, they share a charged conversation, in which they discuss their recoveries and their interest in each other, then spend a heady and unexpectedly intimate evening together back at the Man’s apartment.

When the Man worries that he’s compromised the Woman’s sobriety, she reveals that she’s not actually in the program. Feeling betrayed, he grows angry and pulls away, and the Woman passionately defends their right to connect with other people however they can, reeling him back in.

The Woman comes home at the end of the night to a radically different life from the one she presented to the Man. In a private moment, she reveals that she stole something important from him — the latest in a string of objects she’s taken from men — casting a very different light on the evening.

A week later, the Woman attends another Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous meeting — either one step closer to acknowledging that she belongs in the program, or pulled even deeper into the dangerous game she’s playing.