Beneath a Mother’s Feet

A single mother in Morocco, trapped in a mundane existence, confronts her dreams and fears, leading to the agonising decision to forsake all she knows, even her children.

The Mulberry Tree

Anna’s grandmother is forced to leave the farm that was her home for 60 years when Anna’s uncle sells it to clear his debts. Anna (30), her mother Rosi (55) and her aunt Hilda (60) visit the farm one last time to pick up the family’s few remaining belongings. Anna, who returned specially to bid […]


CUT follows an enormously talented young tennis player, ALI, who gets home from a training session with the best tennis academy in the country — Team Fireflies. When Ali’s dad starts prodding Ali about his tennis, we start to understand that Ali’s hiding something. The pivotal point of the film comes when Ali’s dad finally […]

I’m Going Mad

“I’m Going Mad” sheds light on the prevalent mental illness experienced by young male adults with diverse backgrounds residing in the marginalized neighborhoods of Stockholm. This thought-provoking exploration delves into the complexities of coping with one’s mental well-being amidst an environment plagued by gun violence, pervasive depression, drugs, crime and strained police relations, all while […]


Twelve years after leaving the house, Mehran decides to come home due to his father’s death.


Great Kazakh Steppe, 17th century. Times when myths often turned out to be reality. A girl named Inkar is forced to flee after a completely magical ritual goes wrong. The ritual was performed to summon the Jinn to use his power in attempts to defend against Dzungar raids. Now evil spirits want to own Inkar’s […]

Lean In

Moral-abiding feminist comedian, Rach, receives a massive blow after a show when she is rejected by the agent she was so hungry for. Rach’s brother Benny takes her out to his work Christmas drinks as a means to cheer her up. But in his world of sales bro’s Rach is pushed to see if she’s […]

Lueur d’Espoir

In the turbulent early 30’s a young German woman is presented with the option to flee to America with her best friend. Her controlling husband seems to make the dream of an independent future impossible but no matter how dark the night – there is always a glimmer of hope (une Lueur d’Espoir).

Mazal Tov

An Israeli-Jewish couple is expecting their first child.But after a perfect-all-natural-full-moon-emotional labor, they discover the baby is a far cry from what they (and everyone else) come to expect.

Panic Attack

Alex is in the throes of his transition from female to male so when his best friend abandons a joint venture to assert their burgeoning identities he’s forced to confront his anxieties before entering the unknown alone.