Walk Away
“Walk Away” a music video for the aspiring young artist Xaya, depicts the aftermath of a toxic breakup, portraying the emotional journey from anger, pain and sadness to liberation. It explores the subconscious allure of destructive romantic patterns through evocative visual metaphors.
A broken heart, the perilous voyage of a migrant, the grief of a loved one, a mental health crisis…PASSAGE explores a universal journey through movement.
“OZMAR” is a proof of concept short film based on the book “Ozmar the Mystic” written by Emeric Hulme Beamen in the year of 1896. When western treatment fails his daughter’s incurable disease, an upper-class, middle-aged Londoner attends a prestigious, old-fangled ball to seek occult assistance from the mysterious, public figure the town calls The […]
Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats “Heartless”
A young boy attempts to escape his circumstances in his rural hometown but finds himself trapped, taking multiple walks down the same neighborhood street. Only when he shifts his perspective does a new outcome present itself. Along the way, he learns the valuable lesson of connection and survival.
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A story of oppression and liberation. Both sacrifices coexist
Three female freeskiers find themselves in a blurred realm of reality and the subconscious mind in a heist for self-identity. An Experimental short featuring Addison Rafford, Josie Petersen, and Ella Meade
Screaming Silence
In the hauntingly enigmatic and dialogue-free short film, ‘Screaming Silence’, Elizabeth, a young woman in the aftermath of a traumatic event, navigates her world through a haunting soundscape of everyday noises, which ‘peoples’ her world and forces her to face her reality of circumstances and her fear of reaching out for help. As the audience […]