
R is a chronic over-thinker. R’s head is tired of overworking. So the Head runs away. Until now, R can never escape from the merry-go-round of overthinking.

Diary of an Illness

The film follows the Writings of Jacqueline Kahanoff, wherein she, an elderly woman, confronts the revelation of uterine cancer, marking the commencement of a new chapter in her life. The film captures her fears of the treatments, the isolation experienced as a patient in a healthy world, and the peculiar beauty that emerges amidst the […]

Fitting In

Fitting In is a story about an outsider, a little elephant called Zuri who finds a place in the circus with hard work, determination & a passion to succeed.

The Bard’s Curse

Two singers come to the kingscourt to enlighten the monarch with their music. The jounger one gets killed by the king because of jealousy. The old singer curses the king and leaves. Their music lives on the the peasents of the land, while the heritage of the monarch fades away.


Trapped 42,000 feet in the air. Squashed between two large men. Adam sits with a toddler screaming at him. Yet all he can wonder is… how good that toddler must taste.

No Man’s Son

A short animated film about a boy who suffers under his father.

LUKi and the Lights

LUKi, a charming and upbeat robot known for living life to the fullest, confronts a life-altering ALS diagnosis. Through the lens of LUKi’s unwavering resilience, the story of his battle against ALS transforms into a testament to the human (and robotic) spirit’s ability to find light even in the darkest of times. With every choice […]

Meditation at dusk

Life is about actions. Do these actions really fill our life? What else could be even more important for us? By presenting nature and the created environment the film look for the answer to the question: Does the cat dream of the person or does the person dream of the cat? Where is our reality? […]

For You

‘For You’ is a heartfelt letter from a father to his two-year-old son, capturing a summer day in the park, a world filled with wonders yet to be discovered and a looming danger. Set in Peckham, South East London, the director narrates the story in Italian, the language he has spoken to his son since […]


The journey of fear and struggle of “Kernel K-500”. Who rebels against the cruelty of apartheid and the condescending perception of his kind. Moments before his salvation, the unforeseen unfolds.