In “Eight,” our protagonist, Thomas discovers the painful truth about a deep betrayal by his once-trusted friend. Tortured by anger and fueled by a desire for retribution, Thomas is presented with a life-altering choice: to either spare his once friend’s life or succumb to the darkness within him and take matters into his own hands.
Romance is sparked when a woman encounters a handsome man in her hotel lobby in this hypnotic ghost story about longing and desire….
Desperate for money, a struggling actress is accepted into a lucrative beta program, fostering the AI-replicant of a seven-year old girl.
A lonely radio enthusiast in a midwest suburb becomes suspicious that a hispanic teenager is a response to his interstellar transmissions. Misperceptions turn to confrontation, when they are interrupted by a close encounter with an unexpected guest.
God & Buddha Are Friends
After receiving a dragon jade necklace from his Buddhist mother, young Andy spends the day with a devout Christian family, where he meets a fiery Christian pastor who convinces him that his jade is a devil’s totem. Conflicted and terrified, Andy returns home to his wary mother, who goes ballistic upon learning the news and […]